Approved Budget for 2021: Awards for Members and Employees

The ICEL Shareholders' Assembly of May 11th also approved the 2021 Financial Statement, which closed with a production value exceeding €250 million and a net profit of over €3 million. With the approved financial statement, the company will recognize the production bonus to all workers as per the supplementary contract following the achievement of profitability and quality objectives, amounting to over €900 net for an average level.

 Given the positive results achieved, all employees will also receive an additional bonus of approximately €600 net, again for an average level.
The decision to grant this additional bonus to workers stems not only from the good results achieved in 2021 but also as a concrete signal of support to workers and their families to cope with the difficulties related to this particular period of continuous increases in fuel, energy, gas, food prices, etc.

Additionally, for the Cooperative Members, the maximum payable rebate has been approved, equal to 30% of the annual remuneration, a historic result for ICEL, demonstrating the significant value of the worker member in the management of the Cooperative.